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Easy Rhythms: How Online Music Platforms Remove Obstacles for Musicians

Easy Rhythms: How Online Music Platforms Remove Obstacles for Musicians

Learn how Lutefish facilitates real-time jam sessions with musicians playing from different locations, creating a truly diverse musical experience.

Lutefish™, a new online music collaboration platform, was created to enable musicians of all abilities to share in the joy of making music together. Our research showed that musicians faced common obstacles to music making.

The first hurdle: It’s difficult to meet musicians of similar abilities. Many casual musicians are often looking for band members. Or they’re looking to join a band of people with similar abilities, experience and tastes. In addition, they are looking for specific genres. Our first goal was to tackle the hardship of finding a band, or at least like-minded musicians, to jam with. This was the catalyst for creating a comprehensive social media hub where you can meet and collaborate with like-minded musicians or reconnect with old bandmates. Our social hub also allows you to search for gigs and events, as well as post and promote your own.

Having addressed the need to find people to make music with, we then tackled the next obstacle: the amount of time it takes to pack up equipment, travel to meet up with your bandmates, set up your equipment, jam, then pack everything up and travel home. There is a lot of work that goes into physically getting together to rehearse, so we focused on creating a device that would allow for remote band practice with a high-quality audio streaming device with low latency. It’s like you’re playing in the same studio even though your bandmates are playing in their respective homes. With Lutefish Stream, you can jam online with friends in real time with no delay or loss of audio quality.

The next obstacle we wanted to alleviate is finding a place to play together. Most homes don’t have enough space for an entire band to play in. And finding and paying for a private space can be costly in terms of time and money. Lutefish Stream eliminates that pain point by allowing 5 to 50 bandmates to rehearse and jam through online music making. When you eliminate travel and can maintain your home setup, it is far easier to find time to make music more frequently. So you can spend less time traveling and use that time to create a song or jam to your favorites.

We are excited to announce the Lutefish community will open to all musicians as soon as we have completed our beta test. Get ready—Lutefish Stream devices for online music collaboration will be available for purchase this summer. Please join the waitlist at Lutefish.com to stay informed. Be among the first to access this platform designed to help musicians make music more frequently and more meaningfully.


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